Pastor's Corner - February 2009

Yesterday I listened to the Inaugural Speech of the new president.  He told us that we had a hard time ahead of us and that no single individual, elected or volunteer, could change the state of the world.  Rather, it will require all of us, joining together to work and sweat and strive to improve not only our nation, but also the world.  He also indicated that we could not sit back and only watch as others tried; we must all do something, even when we do not believe that there is anything we can do to help.

He is not only correct about what is needed to improve our nation and world; this is also the way we improve our congregation, region, and denomination.  No single minister, board chair, or elder can do it all.  No board of elders, deacons or general board can do it all.  We must all pitch in to make our church the best it can be, for those here now and for those who will come in the future.

Jesus challenged His followers to leave behind their selfish desires and to follow Him.  I am not encouraging anyone to quit their job, or leave their families!  I am encouraging everyone, in the words of Jesus, to be a servant to all, all the people in our church and all the people in our community, state, nation, and world in whatever way God leads.

We use the word committee to describe our congregation’s ministries.  It isn’t the best word, but it shouldn’t stop the ministries we do now or can do in the future.

Stewardship is not just about balancing the budget and paying the bills.  It must be about managing all the gifts given to us by God and seeing better ways of using those gifts.

Worship is not limited to the needs of Sunday morning but should seek as many ways of worshiping God as will best serve those here, now and tomorrow.

Christian Education is not about Sunday School alone, but about any effort that seeks to challenge and improve our congregation’s religious, spiritual, and general education.  The day we believe that we have learned all there is to learn is the day we demonstrate our deepest ignorance.  How, what, when, and why are the questions that will allow us to provide for the continuing education of this congregation.  We should not limit ourselves to what is traditionally thought of as church education.  We should explore classes that enrich this community such as literacy, health, technology, and others.

Outreach is more than how much we send to Indianapolis, Macon and Special offerings.  It is about all the work done to serve our church and world.  It is not just dollars and cents, but time and skills shared to improve the lives of those around us.  What different ways do we currently reach out and what new gifts can we offer?

Music enriches our life, but Sunday  morning is never long enough to be  blessed by all the music in our church and community.  Lisa with the choir and worship music and Sara with the new hand bells do not have to be the limit, nor the only sources of music.  Make a joyful noise, and sing praises to our God on high are words we use regularly in prayers and worship.  Lets do more than just speak those words.

The property of the church is not the only calling of the property committee, nor is it limited to those who know how to operate tools.  We want to present an inviting face to the community and provide for the ease of access to all who seek God at 100 N. Houston Rd.  This is the ministry of the property committee.  Is it your gift?

When we gather together for fellowship or to care for a part of the church family, we are involved in the ministry of Fellowship and Service.  This ministry allows us to grow closer together and to meet the needs of families in difficulty.  Like all families we can disagree on some things, and yet still laugh, play and cry together.  This ministry builds the community of the church, koinonia to use the biblical term.

How do we tell this area about who we are and what we do?  This is the ministry of Church Growth.  How do we get our Disciple’s voice to be heard in the midst of all the other church voices in Warner Robins and the area?  Who will share our story?

Membership cares and provides communication for our church.  They make sure prayer concerns are shared, birthdays and anniversaries are remembered, and important information is known.  What else could we do to care for all who enter our doors?

What can you do to improve the ministries of this church?  What gifts can you share?  Where do you need to stretch yourself in following the One who makes Apostles out of Disciples?

Shalom,  Darrell


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