Pastor's Corner - November 2008

November is the month of Thanksgiving, and this year we will have a lot for which to give thanks.  First, the political ads will END by Nov. 5!!!

Actually we really do have things for which to be grateful.  I challenge everyone to sit down and at least once each week during November, write out a list of thanks givings.  Challenge yourself to list everything that comes to your mind, even what you might consider too small or inconsequential.  If you are fortunate, this will become as much a habit as (hopefully) daily prayers.

Why write all this down?  When we list everything mentally, it is easy to overlook something or play down some gift and not realize the extent.  When we write them down they become more concrete, we are able to hold them and show them to others, and keep them for future efforts in thanksgiving.

There is a popular book sweeping the country called The Secret.  It focuses upon the idea that if we focus our intentions on the things we want, they will be attracted to us.  Positive thinking for the 21st century.  I want to redirect this concept to thanks giving.  If we focus upon all that we have received and express our gratitude for these gifts, we may realize that we have everything that we truly need already.  Everything else is something we would like to have.  Instead of dissatisfaction with never getting all we want, we will learn to discover what we actually need.

We are on the midst of challenging times.  We need to be honest with ourselves about the differences between wants and needs.  An attitude of gratitude will amaze and astound people around us, especially when others are wringing their hands for the lack of wants and the lack of thankfulness.

God is gracious and even in the midst of strife there is always faith, home and love,  Indeed, the greatest of these three is love.

Shalom, Darrell


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