Pastor's Corner - October 2008

According to the news, things are bad and may get worse.  Lehman Brothers, Fannie and Freddie, AIG, $4+ gasoline, etc, etc.  But how are we to measure what is of value?  Listen to the Fed and Wall Street?  Listen to the talking heads on television and radio?  Or listen to the words that have been passed down from other bad times.

Paul talks about perseverance, the Gospels tell us not to be concerned about what to wear and what to eat.  Paul dares us to rejoice even in times of trouble and persecution.

Look at the people around you.  Look at the friends and family who love and support you.  Look at all the blessings God provides.  While they may not erase every trouble and challenge, they will not be taken from you.  Even the loved ones who have died are no farther away than the nearest prayer.

Instead of looking at the crises and wringing our hands, let us look for ways to help others through this time with our God given blessings.  We don’t have to have an answer for every problem.  We don’t have to save the world.  We are only responsible for the opportunities God puts in front of us.

Count your blessings is an old, old saying.  It may sound trite and outdated, but in reality, if you sit down, calm your mind and center yourself on Gods presence with you, you may find more for which to give thanks, than things about which to worry.

Faith, hope and love and the greatest of these is love.  These three cannot be found for sale anywhere.  They can only come through you from God.

Shalom, Darrell


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